Costa Mesa is the Poster Child for Vibrant Industrial, Commercial, Mixed Use and Residential property in California. The Services of a Professional Hard Money Lender Fits into this in the most Important Ways to Help residents Resolve Serious Credit Issues.
Costa Mesa is the epitome of the all-embracing real estate concept commonly referred to as “industrial, commercial, mixed use and residential development” – simply because this is exactly what defines the city. Along with escalated building activity has come a galloping prosperity that extends from single-family homes all the way to palatial malls and modern factories. Looking back, it’s been a somewhat wild ride from the sleepy, semi-rural community region Costa Mesa was before 1953. Naturally, reaching this pinnacle hasn’t been easy as the economy was rollicked by recessions and booms. This left many city residents vulnerable credit-wise and licking their FICO Score wounds. Under this somber scenario there are a substantial number of people repeatedly getting refused first and second lien loans, therefore unable to even consider new real estate opportunities.
PB Financial Group Corp quickly became known as the hard money lender that came to the rescue of Costa Mesa property investors: an entity that gave new life to disheartened residents. We harnessed all the firepower we had in the form of private money loans, bridge loans, long-term private financing or investor loans, and then connected this to individuals, partnerships, trusts, corporations, LLCs, estates and even foreign nationals. Actions like this create leverage and push credit history very much into the background. The fact is we disrupted many competitors in this Orange County city of just under 110,000 by altering the way property is funded.
Hard money lending works best when there is equity in the real estate. Our trained experts know exactly where to look and how to do it quickly. This leads directly to negotiating the best possible interest rates and terms that make you the borrower feel comfortable. The secret to this is a policy of transparency where the small print never arises as a serious obstacle. Also, the loan size has no bearing on the attention devoted to the application: whether $50,000 or $2 million the client enjoys the same heralded PB professionalism in all aspects of the property financing process.
The specialization we offer is no more pronounced than when it comes to situations where equity value is not a feature that works. In these cases, we cross collateralize as a strong alternative. Either way, our clients leave happy. Another out-of-the-ordinary situation is where businesses want to refinance existing loans in an environment of rising interest rates. We are of great help to clients in this category by adding in the advantage of no cash out limits.
For quite a while now Costa Mesa has experienced the benefits of a premiere private money lender through the presence of PB Financial Group Corp interfacing in a compelling way with its residents – especially those with credit issues. Our reliability, fast service, and understanding of real estate funding has elevated us above all competitors.
Residents of Costa Mesa who would like more information or inquiries about our hard money loan process, please email us at [email protected] or call 877.700.3703.