Wealthy Cities In California Like Carlsbad Still Need The Services Of A Professional Hard Money
Lender To Assist Its Credit-Strapped Residents To Enter Industrial, Commercial, Mixed Use And Residential Property Opportunities.
Carlsbad, a city on the fringe of San Diego, reflects unique characteristics that elevate it in every respect: 20th wealthiest community in the US overall, and rated 5th in California are no mean feats. Of course, it’s no surprise to anyone who understands the location value of a mini-metropolis with a pristine coastline and strong tourist attraction. This generates escalating real estate interest that has resulted in rapid price increases over the last six years, following a recession that left no populated region untouched. With tourist interest pushing the pace of second and third home valuations upward, the markets have left many long-term residents behind. There is stark evidence that many in this city are carrying a lot of credit record baggage weighed down by fractured FICO scores.
PB Financial Group Corp, a specialist hard money lender, views Carlsbad as deserving of a priority client focus. We detected that first and second lien loans, as traditional vehicles for entering its industrial, commercial, mixed use and residential real estate markets, were not accessible to thousands of interested city investors. It took us no time at all to organize our resources and direct them towards helping Carlsbad property buyers obtain private money loans, bridge loans, long-term private financing or investor loans. Residents have been surprised how easily we match these lending methods to individuals, partnerships, trusts, corporations, LLCs, estates and even foreign nationals.
People living in high-wealth regions demonstrate good instincts for new opportunities, so they appreciate our no-nonsense formula in getting deals closed efficiently and with speed. Our first stop is analyzing the real estate and extracting the equity value. Once done, we move without interruption to nail down the lowest interest rates and loan redemption terms. Ordinarily, these find all kinds of pitfalls, but our policy of full transparency clears away the small print to finalize matters to the satisfaction of both lender and borrower. Interestingly, this has no dependency on the loan size: applications for $50,000 or $2 million receive equal professional attention in such matters.
In Carlsbad with fast price movements, it does happen from time to time that equity value is obstructed. Our loan agents sidestep this easily with cross-collateralization tools that get the job done in the same way. PB is also a power-player in the refinancing of business loans by placing top priority on understanding the impact of Fed interest rate increases. Moreover, we are able to execute these arrangements with no cash out limits, confounding the competition in both this arena and the level of proficiency with which we get to grips with all property loan issues.
PB Financial Group Corp, a private money lender servicing residents of Carlsbad and most cities in California, has the capability of straightening the path of city residents waylaid by the recession and still wallowing in the quicksand of broken credit records. We do this by holding steadfastly to the pillars of reliability, integrity and putting the customer first.
Carlsbad residents interested in more information on our private money loan process, please email us at [email protected] or call 877.700.3703.